An AARF or Airport Crash Rig – this is one of the very specialized apparatus stationed at airports in California. Originally called “Crash Rigs,” these fire engines are specifically designed to quickly suppress fire in the event of an aircraft accident. Traditionally, AARF rigs have included both Crash Fire Rescue (CFR) and Rapid Intervention Vehicles (RIV). A CFR rig typically carries 3,000 – 4,000 gallons of water and 500 gallons of AFFF (light water). These rigs have a roof turret and bumper nozzles and can sweep back and forth at ground level. RIV rigs are designed for rapid rescue and fire suppression functions. For fire suppression, more than 1,500 gallons of pre-mixed AFFF is carried on board, plus an additional 700lb dry chemical system that can be discharged via handlines. Today, fire suppression apparatus are referred to as ARFF rigs, or Aircraft Rescue Firefighting apparatus. Before any individual (including experienced firefighters) can join an ARFF company, they must successfully complete training in ARFF practices that meet OSFM and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1003, Standard for Airport Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications.