Get Ready
Wildfires are becoming more dangerous
Preparedness is the key to prevention, survival, and recovery

The Time to Prepare is Now!
Getting READY is step #1 in keeping your family, pets, and property safe.
Wildland Urban Interface
The Wildland Urban Interface, or WUI (pronounced Woo-eee) is a transitional zone between unoccupied land and manmade development, such as a housing tract. That intersection puts human development and nature at risk. Not all areas of the country have WUI issues. The entire state of California does.
Red Flag Days
A Red Flag Warning (RFW) is a weather related notification that the risk of fire is greater than on other more “normal” days. A Red Flag notification is an indication that weather events may result in extreme fire risk and fire behavior in a 24-hour period. A lesser warning is called a Fire Weather Watch.
FireWise USA
Created by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), FireWise USA is a program wherein communities or even a single street of homes work together to be better prepared against the threat of wildfire. Wildfires are a growing concern, and one of the best ways to reduce that threat is for people who live in the WUI to learn how to reduce specific risks around their homes, and in their communities.
California Fire Safe Council
This non-profit organization, working in collaboration with CalFire, is working to build a network of communities that actively work to engage house to house in the fight against wildfire. To become a Fire Safe Council, you must have (or create) a non-profit organization, operate with a board of directors, and have regularly scheduled meetings. There are Fire Safe Councils forming all over the State of California.