Are You Ready?
Join Us In Creating A More Wildfire Resilient California
The California Fire Prevention Organization works diligently to provide education, awareness, and program support related to wildfire mitigation and threat reduction. To create a more resilient State, we know that creating public/private partnerships, supporting non-profits, and developing standardized messaging is essential to fighting wildfires before they ignite.

California is Burning
It seems that with each passing year, the average and structures destroyed break new records. People continue to be injured and die. Air quality may be impacted for more than 60 miles in every direction of the seat of a wildfire.
How bad is it?
The Thomas fire in Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties, and the Tubbs fire in Napa, Sonoma, and Lake Counties damaged or destroyed over 7,200 structures, burning over 318,000 acres. More recently, the Woolsey fire in Los Angeles and Ventura Counties damaged 1,990 structures, burning almost 97,000 acres. The Camp fire in Paradise damaged 19,531 structures, becoming the most destructive fire in California history. The Mosquito fire, northeast of Sacramento tore through more than 63,000 acres. Something must be done to help reduce the threat of these fires before they start.

What Can Be Done?
Fire agencies are working around the clock responding to wildfires. Our role is a support mission: to help change human behavior, and to create resilient structures, escape plans, and develop wildfire ready communities. Working with fire departments, cities, and non-profits, including homeowner’s associations, we are creating better awareness, more engaged homeowners, and overall, more resilient neighborhoods.
FireWise USA

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) is leading the charge when it comes to engaging groups of homeowners to understand the policies related to wildfire resilience, and to create opportunities for reduced insurance costs, based on performance. Firewise USA is the NFPA’s wildfire risk reduction initiative.
The California Fire Prevention Organization can help a group of homeowners – from eight homes to 1,000 homes or more – to qualify for becoming a Firewise USA recognized community. The USAA family of insurance companies have approved rate reductions for USAA members living in neighborhoods recognized by the Firewise USA program. There are a series of steps that a community must make, and engagement with subject matter experts such as our members is key to success. If you’d like to learn more about how we can work together, reach out via our contact page.
California Fire Safe Council
- Minimizing risks to life, homes, and natural and human-made resources
- Increasing the insurability of property by increasing community safety
- Forging strong partnerships with first responders and our organization
- Acquiring resources that can assist in fire prevention efforts
Let Us Help You Prepare
It’s easy to become confused about wildfire – there’s so much information and much of it is highly technical. Understanding home hardening, escape planning, sheltering in place vs evacuating, and so much more is essential for anyone living in the Wildland Urban Interface, or WUI. If you’re interested in a collaboration, we’d like to hear from you.