
Smoke Alarm Support Resumes
After a number of months sidelined due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Cal Fire Prevention is pleased to announce that its public safety teams are back in the field, inspecting homes,

COVID-19 Pauses Canvassing Efforts
The ongoing pandemic related to COVID-19 is forcing Cal Fire Prevention to suspend our community canvassing for the time being. Typically, our public safety teams are inspecting homes, installing free

California Burns Takes Off
The new book on California Wildfires, California Burns, has received a number of rewarding responses from early purchasers of the book. With a low price of just $12.99, the book

Map the N CA wildfires
For residents looking to track the latest information related to the N CA wildfires, the San Francisco Chronicle has developed a terrific interactive map. This well produced interactive map will

Wildfires, sparked by lightning, charge through N CA
For Californians, 2020 has not been much fun. Now, in just the course of a few days, hundreds of wildfires have been ignited in the northern part of the State,

Riverside Safety Fair a Big Hit!
Hundreds of people living in Riverside are a bit safer today, following a CalFire Prevention Safety Fair event. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit California hard beginning in March of 2020,