Wildfire Book
Get the inside scoop on what makes wildfires in California so dangerous
An interactive book for any iOS device that includes stunning photographs, dramatic video clips, and much more. Featuring the work of some of the best known volunteer fire photographers in the business.
Foreword by Chief Bobby Halton
Fire has been called a dangerous servant and a fearful master. It is a fundamental element of nature, capable of decimating and rejuvenating our most treasured ecosystems. We are daily enriched by the countless uses of harnessed fire, and yet when fire flares, uncontrolled, we are often tortured by its ravages. Fighting fire has been called the war that never ends and the people who fight it are counted among our bravest warriors.
The pages that follow contain compelling and awe-inspiring images and videos of wildfire in America’s most celebrated state—California. These images will bring to life the dangers, risks, and seemingly limitless power of fire as seen through the eyes of those who willingly placed themselves in the gap between nature’s indomitable force and the lives and property of their fellow citizens. These photographers’ used their keen eyes and creative vision to capture wildfire in ways that will raise your heart rate and ignite your imagination.

- Stunning Interactive Content
- Wildfire photographs through SoCAL
- Video clips of wildfire running uncontained
- Audio clips by the photographers
- Downloadable fire safety materials

Featuring some of the most highly regarded volunteer fire photographers anywhere:
- Brandy Carlos
- Grey Doyle
- Joe Fanaselle
- Chris Hatounian
- Rick McClure]
- Mike Meadows
- Steve Whitby
Edited and produced by David Barrett, Executive Director, The Safe Community Project.

Includes some of the most feared Southern California Wildfires
- The Getty Fire
- The SaddleRidge Fire
- The Woolsey Fire
- The Brigs Fire
- The Thomas Fire
- The LaTuna Fire
- The Blue Cut Fire
- The Silver Fire
… and dozens of others (more than 50 overall)
Northern California Office
3558 Round Barn Boulevard, Suite 200
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Telephone: 800.470.4946
info@calfireprevention.org for inquiries
© Copyright 2019 California Fire Prevention Organization
California Burns, Volume One
Digital Edition ISBN: 978-1-7337894-0-0
California Fire Prevention Organization
A California nonprofit, public benefit organization
EIN: 47-3376066
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher. Produced in collaboration with the Safe Community Project (dba MySafe:LA).
All photographers retain copyright to their photographs. All photographs used with permission.